Welcome to version 1.0 of WiNstack! WiNstack is a Windows Help format version of Mark Cornick's 'Nstack,' (a Hypercard index of naturist groups and resorts throughout the U.S. To run WiNstack, copy the file WINSTACK.HLP to any directory you choose, then double-click on it in File Manager. The help file itself contains instructions on how to install it as a Program Manager icon. This is version 1.0, so there are probably typos and incorrect info. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone who catches any of these could send a correction to *both* of the addresses below. Please specify whether you are using the Windows or Mac (Hypercard) version of Nstack. I can't speak for Mark, but I would like to add more information and site reports to the Windows version. Any contributions would be welcomed. Original Hypercard Stack by Mark Cornick (CORNICK@delphi.com) Windows version by Craig Stuntz (cstunt@nova.eng.wayne.edu)